Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Janus Juul Eriksen, PhD

Date of Birth: October 23, 1987

Nationality: Danish

Work Address: See Contact.


ResearcherID: N-2089-2019

ORCID: 0000-0001-8583-3842

Academic Career

2023-: Associate Professor @ DTU Chemistry, Denmark (tenure: 01/01/25)

2021-23: Assistant Professor @ DTU Chemistry, Denmark

2019-21: Independent Research Fund Denmark International Postdoctoral Fellow @ University of Bristol, UK (Host: Prof. Fred Manby)

2017–19: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow @ Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany (Host: Prof. Jürgen Gauss)

2013–16: PhD Fellow @ Aarhus University, Denmark (Supervisor: Prof. Poul Jørgensen)

2009–12: M.Sc. Student @ University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Supervisors: Prof. Kurt V. Mikkelsen & Prof. Stephan P. A. Sauer)

2006–09: B.Sc. Student @ Aarhus University, Denmark 

Career Breaks

2024: Two months of parental leave (Jan. – March 2024

2017-18: Two months of parental leave (Dec. 2017–Jan. 2018) 

2016: German Language School (Nov. 2016 – Dec. 2016, integrated prequel to my Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship)

Grants and Fellowships

Honours and Awards

Organisation of Scientific Meetings

2025: Current Trends in Electronic-Structure Theory (CTEST-2025) (Copenhagen, DK, 18-20 June 2025). Co-Org.: Sonia Coriani (DTU, DK)

2024: 18th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry (ESCMQC-2024) (Copenhagen, DK, 26-28 June 2024). Main funding: Novo Nordisk Foundation

2024: Nordic-Baltic Academy Meeting (Copenhagen, DK, 02-03 April 2024). Main funding: NordForsk

2022: OPERA2020: An International Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Honour of Prof. Jürgen Gauss on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday (Ingelheim am Rhein, DE, 31 August-02 September 2022). Co-Org.: Thomas Jagau (Leuven, BE) and Stella Stopkowicz (Saarland, DE). Main funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)


Postdocs: Jonas Greiner [DTU, 2024-27]

PhD Students: Kasper F. Schaltz [DTU, 2023-26]; Luna Zamok [DTU, 2021-24]; Frederik Ø. Kjeldal [DTU, 2021-24]; Jonas Greiner [Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, DE, 2021-24, main supervisor: Prof. Jürgen Gauss]

M.Sc. Students: Ivan Gianni [Università di Pisa, IT, 2022-23, main supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Filippo Lipparini]; Marike Bischoff [DTU, 2022]

B.Sc. Students: Rasmus P. Niemann [DTU, 2023]

Project Students: Pietro Dal Cin [DTU, 2023]; Marike Bischoff [DTU, 2022]

Assessment Committees

 2023: Rasmus K. Jakobsen, PhD dissertation, external examiner [University of Copenhagen, DK] - Supervisor: Prof. Bo W. Laursen

Selected Service and Public Engagement

2025–27: Member, Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS)

2019–20: Guest Editor: Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Jürgen Gauss (Mol. Phys.). Co-Editors: Trygve Helgaker (Oslo, NO), Thomas Jagau (Leuven, BE) & Stella Stopkowicz (Saarland, DE)

2019–: Peer Review: JCP, JCTC, JPCL, JPCA, PCCP (& others)

2022–: Public Dissemination: Forskningens Døgn, ASTRA (Sorø Akademi), ATU (Akademiet for Talentfulde Unge), UNF (Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening)

Memberships and Affiliations

Quantum Chemistry Software